Why ?
Shorter & robust repeatable lead time
Quick feedback to customers
Interactive responses to customer’srequests
Supply chain
Control of operational volume to agreed aligned capacity
Simplified and visual processes
Adaptation to market volume and mix
Production plants
Simplification of operationalmanagement
Improved productivity
Maximization of capacity output
Shop floor digitalization
Visual, clear operational processes to the just needed, easy to understand
Conditions given to anyone in the enterprise to well fulfil his mission.
How ?
An intelligent system set according to the specificities of your processes
A visual interactive pull flow system.
A customer oriented tool agile to your market
A process oriented tool assuring lowest leadtime
A capacity oriented tool assuring lowest cost.
A Total Quality oriented tool assuring best performances.
A logistics oriented tool assuring
the right item
at the right place
at the right time.
A people oriented tool assuring clear understanding to everyone involved
It may be composed of
Logistic box supporting order book
Synchronisation box for production andlogistics processes
Dash Board to monitor the production rhythm(Takt Time)
Levelling box (Heijunka)
Piloting Rail (sequencing)
It manage the physical flows
with interactive Kanban
in direct connection to physical flows